We are back in Florida and enjoying the beautiful southwest FL weather. Sunny most days and flowers galore to enjoy and of course, lawn to be mowed again. I do have to say that we enjoyed the MI fall so much, with the wonderful colors and cool temps. The highlight was making our own apple cider. We even brought some back with us to FL to put in our freezer. We are really enjoying it.
Summer is now but a memory but we do have those memories and pictures to enjoy. We spent time with family and friends, swam in Lake Michigan, and connected with friends from as far back as 47 years ago. The Oatley Cousins reunion was time to spend with cousins we haven't seen in many years and connecting with church family was also a highlight as we caught up with what God is doing in their lives. All in all, God blessed our summer and we are so thankful.
I was able to meet with the local Lois Ministries group in Manistee each week and it was a joy to hear about all that God is doing in answer to their prayers for their children and grandchildren. God opened up doors for new groups as well and currently there are 10 groups meeting or about to begin meeting in the next few weeks in the northern MI area. Many more grandchildren are being covered in prayer by many grandmas!!!
Often in our prayer groups our hearts cry out for children or grandchildren that are making poor choices. The choices that are made and the effects of those choices can last a lifetime. I'm sure we can think back and know that some choices we made were not right and have had lasting effects on our own lives. But, praise God, He can take those circumstances from those bad choices and use them for good if we let him. This brings to my mind the story of Joseph, who suffered greatly from the choices his brothers made, but in Genesis 50 it says that what men meant for evil, God turned it around for good. That is comforting to know.
We DO need to pray that our children and grandchildren would make good choices and that most of all they would choose to serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15) We also need to pray that they will choose God's instruction instead of the silver/gold that the world offers (Proverbs 8:10) and that they would choose life, so that they and their children may live and that they might love the Lord their God, and listen to his voice and hold fast to Him. (Duet. 30:19-20)
BE THANKFUL, for what God is doing and is going to do in the days and weeks ahead for our families. BE THANKFUL for a God who hears and answers our prayers. BE THANKFUL that you can meet with other women and pray for these loved ones.
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