Thursday, July 22, 2010


Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

In my opinion, prayer is one of the greatest powers of all. Yes, the atomic bomb can blow up an entire city or area, which is a natural power, but prayer power is spiritual, from God and nothing is as powerful as God's power. He created atomic power!!!

We've seen prayer do the miraculous and even change history. In the current Lois Ministries devotional the story is told about the results of prayer power in Romania. Up until the late 80's Romania was ruled by the communists and the country was collapsing. Churches broke out in prayer. The prayer times were lasting 24/7, prayer services began an hour early before the services began, and many came to Christ during these times. Finally, a break through for freedom came for this country. God opened a door, in answer to those prayers, and the people were freed after the government toppled. Prayer power completely changed history!

We are told in God's Word that we have available to us the "resurrection power." Now that's pretty powerful and if you are like me, we don't see that power often. Probably because we don't ask for it or live the way we should be living. BUT, I have seen and read about much power through prayer. With prayer, I believe we come alongside of God as we pray and He does powerful work in answer to our prayers. The miraculous happens!!! Maybe that is one way the "resurrection power" is shown in our lives.

In Acts 1:8 we read that we also have the Holy Spirit's power available to us as well. We can speak, have courage, boldness, insight, special abilities and authority with the Holy Spirit's power working in us. God does have work for us to do (like intercession) and He empowers us to do those good works. In Lois Ministries we are all about using the power available to us in intercession for our children and grandchildren. Many Moms and Grandmothers are seeing prayer power changing lives. We are coming alongside of God and interceding for these loved ones and God's power is at work in many lives. Miracles are indeed happening and prayer power is being used in a very effective, life-changing way.

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