Saturday, December 26, 2009

January always reminds us of the "new". After all it is called the "New Year" - one that has never existed before. It is new for all of us. A time to say good-bye to the past - to remember the good things, forget the bad, learn from it and begin fresh of "doing things other than the former."
This time last year I was wondering what "new thing" God was going to do in my life. Believe me I could never have imagined what He was about to do! I had been struggling for awhile with what was happening with several major ministries I had been involved in for years. It seemed like doors were closing in both of them. It made me wonder if I was to go into retirement from ministry as I kept hearing phrases like "new blood needed", "need younger women" or "going in a new direction." Did I fit any place anymore? Did everything that God had taught me in the past be of any use to anyone in the future?
In the midst of that time God began to birth something new in me. To make a long story short, Lois Ministries was born. Like childbirth, it had birth pains, as I painfully let go of the past and then watched God help birth a new "child." He guided me all along the way and led people into my life as this ministry took husband, Dave, daughter, Deb, daughter in law, Sheila, grand-daughter, Quinn, friends and friends of friends. It has been amazing seeing this ministry take on new life. The Lord even used all the things he taught me in the past to use in Lois Ministries....I'm amazed.
LM is a ministry that brings mothers and grandmothers together to pray for their children and grandchildren. The idea and name for LM is based on II Timothy 1:5 where we hear about a grandmother, Lois, that had sincere faith and had a great impact on her grandson.
I have 11 grandchildren who, living in this world today, needs all the prayer support that can get. They are under attack by the enemy who desires to steal, kill and destroy their lives, (John 10:10) and I WILL fight for them in prayer. And now other Moms and Grandma's are beginning to meet together for prayer, to intercede on behalf of their children and grandchildren under the name of Lois Ministries. Many are seeing God answer prayers for these loved ones. Praise God for new beginnings.....and a New Year.


  1. Dear Pat,

    Know that I am on board...well, there WAS a hurdle to jump since I had never been able to figure out how to get a "google" account, but since it seemed to allow me to first use the Yahoo registration, I muffed my way through and here I am.

    What a beautiful vision and, I also have a certainty that it is God given and extremely timely. You say, " in this world today, need all the prayer support that [they] can get. They are under attack by the enemy who desires to steal, kill and destroy their lives..." In my own experience I have have grieved/am grieving as I observe the Father of Lies destroy children, as well. I know as Lois Ministries you have been called to have a grandchild focus. Guess, personally, I will embrace the inclusion of my own children, too, and in a sense pray for them as I know my own godly mother did while on this earth. Guess you could consider it a Lois proxy type thing. :)

    Suffice it to say, I share your vision and vow to march the march with you. Onward, Christian Soldiers!

    Miss you. Much love,

  2. Nice Blog!!!! Cant wait to keep up!

  3. Count me in as a Praying Grandmother, Pat! And, as Merlena expressed, I will also be including my own children.

    Thank you for your ministries and dedication to our Lord. You are truly an inspiration to me in SO MANY ways.

    Love, Ellie

  4. Hi, Pat! Count me in. It is urgent and continuing that we pray for our kids and grandkids, so why not keep each other posted and pray together with other moms and grandmothers. By the way, our youngest daughter, Suzanne, is preparing to go to Erd, (Budapest) Hungary, with Operation Mobilization as early as March, or as soon as she gets her support raised. She will be coaching softball in a girls' club type situation, probably playing softball, too, leading Bible studies, and I'm not sure what else. She is excited to have been accepted for this ministry (only two weeks ago). Thank you for praying for her.
