Thursday, April 1, 2010

Praying Grandmothers

I just finished reading a book which was a sweet story about the relationship between a grandmother and a granddaughter. After reading the book I reflected on the story and began wishing I had this delightful of a relationship with all 11 of my grandchildren.

I began to think about my relationship with my grandmothers as well. I loved each of them and miss them greatly. It would be amazing to be able to sit down and ask them questions that I have about their growing up years and my parents growing up years.

I then began to think about what I do remember about them and why I loved them. It was always fun to go to their homes. They lived a few hours away from us so we always had to plan our trips to go visit which usually brought much anticipation and joy. I loved having all our families together as we ate, played, talked and stayed up late. Both Grandma's loved to bake and cook so they always had great food around for us to enjoy. I remember one cookie jar that was always filled with store-bought cookies which were a treat in those days. They did make their own bread and that was quite a treat too. We established family traditions which are still carried out in some of our homes today.

I guess the greatest thing I can say about my grandmothers was the unconditional love I always felt from them. In my later years I learned they always prayed for me too. They were Sunday School teachers and loved being in church to worship God and that impacted my life as well. I was the first one in our family that accepted Christ into my life when I was 10 years old. Subsequently, I always felt drawn to find a church to attend even if no one else in my family went. It was because I observed my Grandmothers doing that and I somehow knew I was to be attending church as well.

I've heard many stories about Grandmothers who never gave up praying for their grandchildren and have listened to many testimonies from adults who have said that they are Christians now because of a grandmother who never stopped praying for them. The verse comes to my mind that says, "The heartfelt, fervent prayer of a righteous man (woman) has much power."

One of my "verses for the year" a few years ago was Lamentations 2:19 and I've now re-committed myself to this verse for Lois Ministries and in praying for my children and grandchildren.
"Rise during the night and cry out. Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him in prayer. Plead for your children (grandchildren) as they faint with hunger in the streets."

Our children and grandchildren are needing our prayers now more than ever. This world they are living in is changing right before our eyes. The enemy is working in a stronger way than I've ever seen. We, as Grandmothers, need to be pleading to God for their very lives - physical, emotional and spiritual lives. Recently, I heard on the news that a young teen girl committed suicide because she could not cope with what was happening to her at school. I've seen teens that are angry, hopeless, making bad choices and having no respect for God and His ways......even those that have been brought up in a Christian homes.

We cannot get so involved in our own lives that we don't have time to pray for these children and grandchildren. We need to be interceding on their behalf. It has been said that "History belongs to the Intercessor" and this could be said for us as Grandmothers. History for our next generations could belong to us. It has been proven that many events in history have had prayer warriors behind the scenes, interceding on behalf of their country and it's leaders. I don't know why God works this way but he does works in answer to our prayers!!!!

Yes, having a great relationship with our grandchildren is a wonderful goal. Showing unconditional love is very important too. But one of the most important things we can give, is our "heartfelt, fervent prayers!" Let's never give up, NEVER!!!!


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