Monday, January 25, 2010

Fighting for our Children and Grandchildren


I cannot forget a broken father who shared his concerns for his children this past weekend. So many needs and the kids growing up in a world that wants those children to conform to it's ways, many of which are not God's ways. Several of them are going the way that is not God's ways.

My devotional this morning said it all. This is from a little devotional that is available at our church and there are no authors listed but the devotional is called, "The WORD for you TODAY." I would like to share it with you.

It begins with the verse from I Samuel 4:21 which says that "She named the child "Ichabod" which means "the glory has departed from Israel" Eli, the High Priest had lived to see his two sons killed in battle, the Ark of the Covenant captured by the Philistines and then his grandson is named Ichabod. The devotional continues: "There's a lesson here. Today the devil is trying to take the Ark - God's influence - out of our homes. Through media and peer pressure the forces of darkness are seeking to capture the minds of our children by exposing them to the wrong values. Mom, Dad, what's being written over your house? "The glory has departed", "or "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Jos 24:15) We are in a war, but a lot of us have not been at war!! If we're going to "fight the good fight" for and with our children, we need to get our act together. Children don't mind following someone who's showing by example how it's done, and who's doing it with them. Hannah, Eli's neighbor was such a parent. After years of being childless she made a wow to God: "If you will give me a son, I will give him back to you all his life." (I Sam 1:11) God answered her prayer with Samuel, who became one of Israel's greatest prophets. Later God gave Hannah five more children. That's because He knew He could fulfill Hannah's deepest longing and that it wouldn't make her selfish. He knew she was more interested in His glory and benefit than she was in her own. Parent, can God trust you like that?"

Years ago, I remember Pastor Charles Stanley saying "Most Christians are in a war and they don't even realize it." And I've learned it is so true.....I can remember times I've fought the enemy, and thankfully, I had been taught the spiritual weapons to do that with. We need to pray today like we've never prayed before. Satan, is out to destroy these children and grandchildren. Will we fight for them? Will we "war" in prayer for them?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We are back in FL and glad to be home. The sun is shining, sliders open with breezes blowing and it is warm!!! MN, WI and MI were beautiful but COLD!!! It was wonderful to be with family over the holidays though and we treasure those times.

While I was up there I tried to post but it never came through so thought I would try it again. Here's hoping it comes through this time!!!


I've met with and talked with several women lately who have heard about Lois Ministries and they wondered what it took to start a group. It's very easy....find a leader, invite women over and pray!! :)

The groups that are currently meeting have a leader that has signed a Leader Application Form and then invited women to join them to pray for their children and grandchildren. The LAF is basically a statement that says you agree to the Guidelines and Vision Statement. There are also available "Tools" that will help you get started with your group which include Monthly Devotionals, Prayer Cards, Resource links, and ideas from other groups who currently meet.

The whole idea of meeting TOGETHER to pray is the power that comes from cooperate prayer
. I once came upon a saying that has stuck with me through the years that says:

No Prayer-----No Power

Little Prayer-----Little Power

Much Prayer----Much Power

I have seen this in action through the years - that when people come together to pray, there is much greater power and much encouragement as all involved see answers to prayer.

I'm reminded of this when I watch the beginning scene of "It's a Wonderful Life"......where it shows much prayer going up to heaven for George Bailey. The rest of the movie shows how those prayers are answered. That gives me a picture of how our God hears and answers our prayers. Or how about the parable in Luke 11 about the man who has the persistent friend who won't give up and kept bothering him with his request. Well, times that "one" by many women who are bothering God with prayers for their children and grandchildren. You can believe that God will hear and answer those prayers. At the end of that parable is Luke 11:9 which says, "So I say to you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

The Lois Ministries groups that are now meeting are seeing great things happening over and over as they come together weekly asking, seeking and knocking on behalf of those precious children and grandchildren. Prayers are being answered in ways that we cannot even imagine.

So if you want to get started contact me and I will get the forms to you so you can get started and begin to see God working in the lives of your loved ways that you cannot even imagine.